MongoDB seems to be complex at first sign, but in fact is not, you could perform a complete CRUD easily if you expend some time on the documentation. For example, lets say you need to delete some documents (rows, if you are thinking on a traditional RDBMS). First you want to find all these documents to be removed. > db.your_collection.find({ "cvectry": "MX", "layer_id": 20 }, {}) { "_id" : ObjectId("5e8123e8892355c921e6b436"), "layer_id" : 20 } > After finding all these documents to be removed, then you want to perform the following delete method as follow: > db.your_collection.remove({ "cvectry": "MX", "layer_id": 20 }, { justOne: true }) WriteResult({ "nRemoved" : 1 }) > In this case, after finding all these documents that match with "cvectry": "MX", "layer_id": 20. I got the result on the first command I ran, so I just wanted to delete just on
Life Stuffs | Adventures | Professional: { GIS, Mapserver, Unix, Django, Python, PostgreSQL, PostGIS, MySQL, MongoDB, ReactJS } | Languages: [ Spanish, English, French ]